
Sui giornali. La solenne riapertura di San Nicolò. Le indagini sul diverbio al Carpine. Replica of Borsari (Pd) sulla Remesina. Ingorgo da Halloween Attualità

The dominion of San Nicolò occupied and the main opening of Carlino and Gazzetta, puntuali will be the cronache of the intensive giornata of the army, by the official inauguration of Mattino, the message of the celebration of Vescovo, monsignor Erio Castellucci The concert with the pianist Carlo Guaitoli The intermezzo recitative of Sara Gozzi. By some appuntamento, le visite guide hanno portato to the colonnati del grande centinaia di carpigiani, della parrocchia e non, attratti da un complesso monumentale che a more solleva ricordi risalenti all’infanzia mentre altri, complicit and dodici As the chiusura by the sisma goes, it cannot be that your maestous is solennita. In particular, Carlino offers his special Eucaristic Eucaristic Presidency in Vescovo, which offers quasi tutti and sanctity of the diocese, without civil and military authoritarian power. Entrambi i resoconti registrano, dall’intervento del mattino del Vicario generale della Diocesi, monsignor Ermenegildo Manicardi, The announcement of the management of the chiesa by the Missionaries of the Povero, is a “bocconisti”, a meeting of Palermo and an insediata of Roma, with the new parroco, chaplain Celestineoriginally African, Sia il sindaco Riccardo Righi Monsignor Manicardi, who has joined in everyday life, has emphasized a creative creation of the circostanza by the Curia and the community, a simboleggiata of the portone-condivisa of the visit to the mattina. segment

The basso of Carlino, the Gazzetta-ritorano, is an episode not played by the trade and history of Cra il Carpine, a sequel to the quality of aAnziana despite being a sport on Pronto Soccorsowhile Oss with the quality of the era has received a small and stata of the moment of the Cooperativa Domus assistance, at the accertamenti. You can call on the carabinieri of Carlino a few times, who are a ripport of one post Forza Italia’s position If we accept the episode, the case of a riposo situation emerges, vulnerable and a personal addition that prepares for the difficult situation. In the second opening of the Gazzetta or the replica of the capogruppo Pd, Paola Borsariall criticism in advance Annalisa Arletti from Fratelli d’Italia comes from Remesina. Because of the essence of the replica. In the beginning: through Remesina the financial situation has become superior to the other side of the street, while there is a problem with the unstable presentation of the financial limits, which impose on the traffic on the street. Secondly, not a private person, in the case of Tred Carpi, who intervenes to compensate the shipment of the Amministrazione, comes through Arletti, but I can only expect the stabilization of the allargato, attracting traffic and being normal from l’property de la provveda a raforzare la strada che lo colleague al resto della rete viaria.

When the average tag is in the Gazzetta, a genitore che lamenta protests Automatic verification of the note of Halloween on the strettissima via Giandegola che porta all’Oltrecafé pigeon era in corso un festa legata alla ricorrenza. In the event of an incident, I’m sorry, it is impossible to help a mezzo during the storm of the post. The replica of Sindaca di Soliera, Caterina Bagni, The problem with the local situation is that in the future it is not the case that in another case when you enter, you only have to follow a few minutes. A chiusura della cronache la Gazzetta elenca en componenti della Commissione incaricata di rlasciare en certificati DeCo a prodotti enogastrono

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